JUDICIARY Latest Features

Court Staff Taken Through Fire Safety Management
Participants at the Fire Safety Management Traning

Staff from at least 10 courts underwent a training on Fire Safety and Management at the Civil Service College in Jinja. 

The staff who included clerical officers and other administrative staff were from Kamuli, Tororo, Busia, Buyende, Bugembe, Jinja, Mbale, Njeru, Kaliro and Busembatia courts.

The lead facilitator at the February 25, 2022 training, Mr David Wakhabeho from Fire Extinguisher Experts, stressed the need for such life and property saving skills.

The participants were taken through a practical session and demonstration on the use of the fire extinguishers. 

The training, which was organized by Judiciary's Department of Finance and Administration, aimed at equipping the trainees with skills and knowledge on methods of fire extinction, propagation, mitigation and use of firefighting equipment.

Senior Assistant Secretary, Ms Sarah Namuli and Assistant Secretary, Ms Lussie Akoragye.

Posted 25th, February 2022
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